Privacy Policy

HIPAA Privacy Policy for Alive IV and Wellness

1. Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information

Alive IV and Wellness is committed to maintaining the privacy of your protected health information (PHI). PHI is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services.

a. Use for Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations

  • Treatment: We may use or disclose your PHI to provide, coordinate, or manage your health care and any related services. This could include communicating with other health care providers regarding your treatment and coordinating and managing your health care with others.
  • Payment: Your PHI will be used, as needed, to obtain payment for your health care services. This may include certain activities that your health insurance plan may undertake before it approves or pays for the health care services we recommend for you.
  • Health Care Operations: We may use or disclose, as needed, your PHI in order to support the business activities of our practice. These activities include, but are not limited to, quality assessment, employee review, training of medical students, licensing, and conducting or arranging for other business activities.

b. Other Uses and Disclosures
As permitted by HIPAA, we may also use or disclose your PHI for the following purposes:

  • As required during an emergency or to avert a serious threat to health or safety.
  • As required by law if we believe you have been a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.
  • To comply with legal proceedings or law enforcement requests.

2. Your Rights and Choices

As a client of Alive IV and Wellness, you have multiple rights regarding your PHI:

  • Right to Inspect and Copy: You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of your PHI that may be used to make decisions about your care or payment for your care.
  • Right to Amend: If you feel that the PHI we have is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information, although we are not required to agree to the amendment.
  • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to request an accounting of certain disclosures that we have made of your PHI.
  • Right to Request Restrictions: You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the PHI we use or disclose for treatment, payment, or health care operations.
  • Right to Request Confidential Communications: You have the right to request that we communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location.

You can exercise these rights by contacting our office directly.

3. Our Responsibilities

Alive IV and Wellness is required by law to:

  • Maintain the privacy of your PHI.
  • Provide you with this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to PHI.
  • Abide by the terms of this privacy notice.
  • Notify you if we are unable to agree to a requested restriction on how your information is used or disclosed.
  • Accommodate reasonable requests you may have to communicate health information by alternative means or at alternative locations.

4. Contact Information

For any questions, concerns, or complaints about your privacy rights or how Alive IV and Wellness handles your health information, you may contact:

Privacy Officer: Kevin Bundy
Address: 15160 NW Laidlaw Rd #222, Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 971-801-0001

You also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, calling 1-877-696-6775, or visiting

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Meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for staying active and enjoying the great outdoors! 

Every Saturday
| Stretches with Stretch Lab Clinic
9:00am | Walk & Run with Alive IV and Wellness