ketamine therapy APPOINTMENTs

At Alive IV and Wellness, we prioritize giving you the individualized care and attention you deserve.

    Scheduling is EASY!

  1. Choose “Ketamine Mini Consultation” and select your appointment time.
  2. You will receive a phone call from one of our healthcare providers at the
    scheduled time.
  3. After your mini consultation, we will schedule your compranensive in office consultation.  This will include a complete health history and physical exam.
  4. After the initial appointment, you will be able to book your ketamine therapy sessions according to the recommendations of your healthcare provider. 

*If you don’t see availability for the date/time you’re looking for, please call or text us at 971-801-0001. We will work with you to make an appointment.


  • Make our services a regular part of your routine. 
  • Experience the positive impact on your overall health and wellness.
  • Sign up in office at your next visit.